Aktuelles Details


Zusammenarbeit mit NeuroCovid INS SIG subgroups

Folgende Anfrage für Kooperationen von einem FESN (Federation of the european societies of Neuropsychology) erreichte uns:

One of the NeuroCovid INS SIG subgroups (cross-cultural subgroup) works on the international suvery on "Neuropsychology Test and Services Survey as Related to Assessment for COVID-related Neurocognitive Symptoms”. The final version of the survey, methods of distribution, data storage etc. still require a lot of work, but we are looking for the ways of developing international cooperation: see if there are colleagues who would like to be involved, maybe translate the Survey into other languages, distribute. 

This is just a preliminary mail. If the project was intersting for the FESN/European national neuropsychological societies we would send more information and establish further cooperation. Drs - Tricia Merkely (USA), Jośe Munoz-Moreno (Spain) and Hetta Gouse (SA) - the leaders of this project - are included in this correspondence. 

Contact Person:

Prof. dr hab. Emilia Łojek

Faculty of Psychology

University of Warsaw


Emilia Łojek emilia@psych.uw.edu.pl

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