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INS Award


This is Christian Salas, chair of the INS Awards Committee. I am launching a campaign to gather nominations for the INS NOLA meeting (February 12-15). 



I am contacting you since you are listed in our database as a representative of a Neuropsychological Association or Society. 

INS awards have as a main goal to recognize the work of colleagues who have contributed to the research, academic or clinical development of the discipline at a global or regional level. INS Awards can be a powerful tool to boost the development of neuropsychology over the globe, particularly in developing countries and underrepresented geographical areas. 

In that context, I would like to invite your Association or Society to promote these awards amongst your members. You could help us by a) passing this information to members of your association or society, or by; b) directly nominating people that you consider have contributed to the field of neuropsychology globally or locally.  

In case you are not familiar with the awards, details can be found here




Eligible Period


Early Career

≤ 10 yrs. after terminal degree 

Independent and excellent research contribution

Mid Career 

11-24 yrs. after terminal degree 

Growing International research reputation with substantive impact

 Mentoring Award

Mid-career to senior 

Mentoring/teaching activities have made a profound impact on careers of others

Lifetime Award


For Research

>25 years 

Independent senior researcher, international reputation, substantive research impact. 

For Education


Furthered the development of the field of neuropsychology beyond their own institution. 

For Service


Made a significant contribution to INS 

Distinguished Career Award

At/near end of career 

Made major, sustained contributions to the field of neuropsychology as well as to the INS. 


There are awards for people at different stages of their career and people that have contributed either by mentoring new generations or serving INS. You can have a look at previous awardees here https://www.the-ins.org/about-ins/ins-awards/

Nominating is extremely easy. Most nominations only require a Nomination Letter, CV and support letters. If language is a barrier, please let us know and we will find a way to help you. 

Submission deadline is (September 15th) and nominations need to be sent to ins@the-ins.org. Any queries can be directed to me (salasriquelme@gmail.com)

If you are no longer the representative of your Association or Society, please let us know to update our database. 






Christian Salas Riquelme, PhD

Director Unidad de Neuropsicología Clínica

Past-President Sociedad Chilena Neuropsicología Clínica

Chair INS Awards

Facultad de Psicología - Universidad Diego Portales

Vergara 275, Santiago, Chile


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